“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life but by realizing who you are at the deepest level” Eckhart Tolle
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Thank you Lindsey x
Freedom from people pleasing is easy!
Feeling nervous? Here's two tips to help.
Why there is nothing wrong with you: how every human is brilliantly designed.
MEASURING UP and who we a really are.
Overthinking doesn't create solutions.
We can’t get stuck in an emotion (we only believe we can!)
Ask Me Anything: feeling triggered by other people.
Where does a sense of worthiness come from?
Self-worth and people pleasing
Is it selfish to put your own needs ahead of others?
Ask Me Anything: I struggle to choose to do the 'positive' things in my life.
Breaking the illusion: the impersonal nature of feelings
What if thoughts and feelings aren't personal, or meaningful about who we are?
Beliefs aren't 'real'!
People pleasing: Discover some surprising truths!
Ask Me Anything: I dread becoming unwell and being unable to look after my kids
Could it be that our own self-evaluation and ‘improvement’ is what's making us unhappy?
One of the kindest things we can do for ourselves.
Self-improvement, goals and insecurity.
Guest episode on 'Inner Peace and Other Cool Sh*t' podcast